Wednesday, September 10, 2008

conservative or liberal who cares

I am amazed at how much venom is spewed by any political election but especially during this presidential election. I have received numerous e-mails from conservatives & liberals who are absolutely on the verge of losing their minds with hatred or anamosity over candidates or private political views. This is crazy & whether you want Obama, McCain or somebody else, it is your right to say so & it is everyones else's right to do the same.
Do whatever you have to do to chill out or go to that happy place you have & ride out the rest of the campaign season. People are so stressed out over this that they can't focus on anything else. I had a lady tell me today that she doesn't like being stressed out so her & her family have "fun time" so they can forget all the day to day garbage we deal with. I thought about this & feel we should all have fun time. So my advice is, if you can't find your happy place, go have some fun & forget the election for awhile because realistically no president is going to make a huge difference because special interest groups & big business won't allow the change needed to help anybody. It is impossible so quit thinking your guy or woman can walk on water, they can't.

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