Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Who says I'm to old ?

Society tells us that when we reach a certain age, we are supposed to act mature. What is maturity? What is childish? I believe we need to enjoy life to the fullest like a child but we should be mature enough to deal with life, responsibility & aging.
If I have my choice of hanging out with a group of adults talking about how much they have, what they do for work, discussing politics or what the newest get rich plan is or hanging out with kids, playing games or doing anything, I will always choose the kids. Why? because they are living life, not talking about it.
Am I childish for thinking this way? I don't know. Maybe because I am to child like to care.


Anonymous said...

You're great Ralph! It's true - people in general worry about what they want or need to make them happy, rather than focusing on being happy with what they already have. After going from having more to having much less in the past year, I am happier than ever! It's hard to understand how people can feel alive without playing everyday, whether it's going for a walk or climbing a mountain - you don't know what what tomorrow will bring, so why not live today to its fullest? Have to get back to living now! :)

carly said...

shad would love this! he act's like a child quite often, playing games and goofing around...but that's one of the things i love about him.