Friday, October 2, 2009


It doesn't happen every day unless I listen to the news but it happens way more than I am comfortable with & what I am referring to is crisis. There are so many people I am surrounded by that are experiencing crisis in their lives & I have been one of them at times in my life so I understand what I am speaking of. It is overwhelmingly difficult to watch somebody go through a crisis & be unable to do anything except help with day to day responsibilities or give support where possible.
When we go through crisis in our a life, it is a lonely place & one in which sucks you deeper into despair regardless of what the outcome is, we are forever changed.
When I say crisis, I am not referring to not making the team, not being able to buy a house or having your car break down. I am talking about losing a loved one, having a family member terminally ill, losing your spouse, losing your job & house with no where to go & no money to pay for rent.
When you see people in crisis mode it is sometimes so overwheming & painful to watch that we become somewhat numbed by the magnitude of pain. We hurt when we are with those that are suffering but when we go home, regardless of how much we hurt for those in pain, we can be with our family or friends, we can watch a movie or listen to music or read a book to forget the pain being experienced by those in crisis.
The only way to understand crisis is to be in it & when you are, you only want out. Every second of every day is like tons of weight placed on your shoulders so that you can never do anything without feeling the burden of the weight & you want to collapse but can't because it still won't relieve the burden or pain. It consumes you & regardless of a positive exterior attitude, you grow more distant because the burden caused by this crisis consumes you & leaves you only a shadow of what you once were with a reality that this crisis although perhaps passing in time will leave you scarred forever.
I can't give any advice to make your pains go away as you deal with your crisis except to never give up & regardless of the pain & suffering, you can find peace & happiness again even though there may be a huge piece of your heart removed because of what you have gone through. Perhaps that is why the scar will always remain with us, it is a reminder of what we have experienced & how quickly our lives can be changed.
Enjoy each day, spend time with those you love & never be afraid to experience life to the fullest because every day can be the best or worst day of our life so don't be afraid to live.

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