Saturday, September 19, 2009

Watch What You Say

I am always saying something that gets me in trouble because my mouth was faster than my brain or because what was said was taken out of context or because I just spoke before I thought. Regardless of which reckless form of mis information I speak, I have learned a few things about what & when to speak. For example. If the newspaper asks you for a comment, you tell them you are busy & then call them back when you have something written so you can be prepared or simply fax or e-mail your comments after you have proof read them many times.
If you are in a verbal sparring contest, you need to back away & take a deep breath before you make yourself sound like a babbling idiot. Nobody in a passionate verbal debate wins, nobody.
I was in the kitchen awile ago & my grand daughter was playing at the table of which I didn't think she was aware of anything except what she was playing with. I soon realized the contrary, she was listening to everything because my wife sang one line of a song & then left the room. About 10 minutes later my grand daughter Lily, began singing the exact same line of which I am pretty sure she had never heard that song in her life since it was from the 70s.
The point is, watch what you say at all times, with kids, with adults & with everybody because sticks & stones may break your bones but words can be remembered forever.

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