Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chaos in America

I can start by saying how screwed up America is right now but I don't think that would be a fair statement because America isn't screwed up, it is the idiots that are running it or in this case, the idiots that are ruining it. There name is politicians, special interest groups, unions, lazy people & greedy people that profit from chaos & fear. If we had the backbone to allow democracy determine what we do, we wouldn't be in this mess. The majority chooses politicians but the minority determines policy & law. How on earth is this right? It is absolutely wrong & backward of a democratic society. If you don't like what the majority wants-----LEAVE
we do more to help other countries than any other country yet we are demonized. have you ever wondered why this is? It is because they are jealous--DUH
remember the popular kid in school or the attractive kid that had all the friends or the kid that aced all the tests without any effort? America is that kid & if other countries can't be like us, they will try to destroy us. Its a no brainer.
I just listened to Obamas speech on health care & almost fell off my chair, which is a hard thing to do since it was a plush sofa, when he said his health care plan wouldn't cost anything or he wouldn't sign the bill. Are you nuts? Does he think we are stupid? the most in effective group of people in America is the Government & everything they touch turns to crap & is out of control expensive. Perhaps someone out their is dumb enough to think the Government can add more jobs, add more impact on the health care system & it won't cost more. If you believe this, our country is screwed because you are a voter & shouldn't be.
I don't care what political party you affiliate with but it's time you get your head out of your dark place & find out what is going on because you can't trust any (bought off) news organization, bought off politician or greedy union or company.
America is great but it's time to take it back from the politicians & greedy self interest groups.

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