Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do You Want To Help

If you really want to help America then here are some sites that are fighting for your freedom & are trying to take back our Country. For Tax Reform--Institute For Liberty--
The Heartland Institute--Freedom Works--Coalition For A Conservative Majority--
American Spectator--Young Conservative Coalition--

I understand that fighting is usually wrong but we need to stand for something otherwise we stand for "nothing". If you are happy with the way Government does business & spends your money then by all means, disregard this & we can agree to disagree but if you want to see change & aren't a front line type of person, at least support those that are fighting for you.


carly said...

cant wait to see you guys in may!

When Two Became One said...

speaking of rights do you know anything about the new gun and ammo laws in the works? If so i want to hear what you know. Joseph

Elise Maygren said...

One of my favorite organizations is