Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is It To Much To Ask

I know I am offending some by this but what is new? Those that know me & have read what I say will know I'm not politically correct & if you didn't know, look at the name of my blog--vbs
I am sick of people coming here from other countries & we have to learn their language but they never have to learn our language. Who was the bright person that decided it was ok to allow a drivers test to be given in a language other than English? (really bright) If it wasn't happening it would be a joke. I have talked about illegal aliens before & have no problem coming here if you learn the language & contribute but when you are to lazy to learn the language, why should I ever help you or care about your problems? I had some shirts made & on the front left breast it says "Proud American",
On the back I have various sayings, some of which I will post later, with pictures of the shirts but one I really like says "IF YOU DON'T LEARN ENGLISH, ENJOY YOUR VACATION, THEN GO HOME".
If we don't stand up for our rights we will eventually have none. If you haven't noticed, the presidential election was fixed, the gay marriage vote will be overturned even though the majority voted to ban gay marriage. It appears that if a vote is not liked by "politically correct" fruit cakes, they will try to intimidate us & terrorize us to change our minds.
I say to this, try to intimidate me, you will wipe out any sympathy or compassion I will ever have for you & as the old saying goes, "leave sleeping dogs lie". The majority of Americans work hard & continually turn the other cheek even though we get slapped on almost every issue of life but we are the majority & at some time we will unite to take back America & the right to have our votes heard.
If it takes me to start the crusade, then consider it done. I am here to organize & take back the Country I Love & the rights which are mine as a citizen of the United States of America. Majority wins & minorities lose, get over it or leave.

1 comment:

the shenger said...

Ralph. I'm in. Let's take back America. WTF is going on this country? I'll sport one of your t-shirts. Just let me know how much. We can copyright your slogans and sell 'em on